1Independent Researcher, Computer Programming Specialist
This paper introduces a formula to compute \( P(n, k) \), the number of partitions of an integer \( n \) into exactly \( k \) parts. The formula is derived using the quotient function \( q(n, k) = \lfloor n / k \rfloor \) and simple summations. While the formula becomes recursive in nature, leveraging caching and memoization allows efficient computational verification. The results align with those derived from Euler’s integer partition identity, demonstrating the formula’s validity and correctness.
The primary contribution of this paper is a formula to compute \( p(n, k) \), the number of partitions of an integer \( n \) into exactly \( k \) parts. This formula is based on the quotient function \( q(n, k) = \lfloor n / k \rfloor \), which forms the foundation of all computations. By leveraging this simple yet powerful operation, the formula employs summations and recursive constructs to evaluate partition counts without the need for traditional recursive breakdowns. To generalize, we define the following: \[ \begin{aligned} p_k(n) &= p(n, k) \\ Q_k(n) &= \lfloor n / k \rfloor \end{aligned} \] To begin, we determine the number of partitions of \( n \) into two parts, i.e., \( p(n, 2) \). It turns out that \( p(n, 2) \) is given directly by \( Q_2(n) \): \[ \begin{aligned} p_2(n) &= Q_2(n) \\ &= \lfloor n / 2 \rfloor \end{aligned} \] Next, we extend the computation to \( p(n, 3) \). The formula for \( p(n, 3) \) is derived as: \[ \begin{aligned} p(n, 3) = \sum_{i=1}^{Q_3(n)} \left( Q_2(n - i) - (i - 1) \right) \end{aligned} \] Similarly, the formula for \( p(n, 4) \) can be expressed recursively using the result for \( p(n, 3) \): \[ p(n, 4) = \sum_{u=0}^{Q_4(n) - 1} p_3(n - 4u - 1) \] Similarly, we can find \( p(N, k) \) as a function of sum of \( p(n < N, k - 1) \) and it follows as below for the higher values of \( k \), the recursive expressions are as follows: The generalized formula for \( n > 3 \) becomes: \[ \begin{aligned} p(n, 5) &= \sum_{u=0}^{Q_5(n)}p_4(n - 5u - 1) \\ p(n, 6) &= \sum_{u=0}^{Q_6(n)}p_5(n - 6u - 1) \\ p(n, 7) &= \sum_{u=0}^{Q_7(n)}p_6(n - 7u - 1) \\ p(n, 8) &= \sum_{u=0}^{Q_8(n) - 1}p_7(n - 8u - 1) \\ p(n, 9) &= \sum_{u=0}^{Q_9(n)}p_8(n - 9u - 1) \end{aligned} \]
Now, that we have got a generalized formula for \( p_k(n) \) which is a recursive summation as below: \[ \boxed{ \begin{aligned} p(n, k>3) &= \sum_{u=0}^{Q_k(n) - f_k} p_{k-1}(n - ku - 1) \\ \text{Where} \quad f_k &= 1 \quad \text{if } k \equiv 0\pmod{2} \end{aligned} } \] \[ \boxed{ \begin{aligned} p(n, k>3) &= \sum_{u=0}^{Q_k(n) - f_k} p_{k-1}(n - ku - 1) \\ \text{Where} \quad f_k &= \sin^2\left( \frac{\pi (k - 1)}{2} \right) \end{aligned} } \] The above equations could be verified against the Euler's Identiy \[ p(n, k) = p(n - 1, k - 1) + p(n - k, k ) \] The below code tests the results of \( p_k \) against the euler's identity of integer partitions
from math import floor
import numpy as np
import random
from tabulate import tabulate
# Define the division logic
q = lambda n, k: n // k
# Recursive function to compute p_k(n)
def compute_p_k(n, k):
if k == 3:
# Base case for p_3(n)
q_3 = q(n, 3)
s = 0
for i in range(1, q_3 + 1):
s += q(n - i, 2) - (i - 1)
return s
# Recursive computation for p_k(n)
q_k = q(n, k)
s = 0
for u in range(q_k):
s += compute_p_k(n - k * u - 1, k - 1)
return s
# Function to compute the number of partitions into exactly k parts
# Euler's Identity of Partition of Integers
def partitions_into_k_parts(n, k):
dp = [[0] * (k + 1) for _ in range(n + 1)]
dp[0][0] = 1 # Base case: 0 can be partitioned into 0 parts in 1 way
for i in range(1, n + 1):
for j in range(1, k + 1):
if i >= j:
dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][j - 1] + dp[i - j][j]
dp[i][j] = 0
return dp[n][k]
# Test function to compare compute_p_k with partitions_into_k_parts
def test_compute_p_k():
MAX_N = 100 # Reduce for quicker testing (adjustable)
num_tests = 750 # Number of test cases
random_values = []
mismatches = []
for _ in range(num_tests):
n = random.randint(3, MAX_N) # Random n between 3 and MAX_N
k = random.randint(3, n) # Random k between 3 and n
# Compute using both methods
result_p_k = compute_p_k(n, k)
result_partition = partitions_into_k_parts(n, k)
# Append to results
random_values.append([n, k, result_p_k, result_partition])
# Check for mismatches
if result_p_k != result_partition:
mismatches.append((n, k, result_p_k, result_partition))
# Convert results to numpy array
data = np.array(random_values, dtype=object)
# Display results in a table
headers = ["n", "k", "compute_p_k", "partitions_into_k_parts"]
print(tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid"))
# Print mismatches
if mismatches:
Mismatches Found:")
print(tabulate(mismatches, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid"))
All results match!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The formula for \( P(n, k) \) is inherently recursive, as it calculates the number of partitions by systematically reducing \( n \) and \( k \). While this recursive structure is simple and intuitive, it can result in excessive redundant computations for larger values of \( n \) and \( k \). To address this inefficiency, caching and memoization techniques were employed to optimize the recursive calls. Memoization involves storing previously computed values of \( P(n, k) \) in a cache, significantly reducing time complexity by avoiding duplicate calculations. The implementation includes:
from math import floor
from functools import lru_cache
class PartitionCalculator:
def __init__(self):
# Memoized cache for compute_p_k
self.cache = {}
# Division logic
def q(self, n, k):
return n // k
# Compute p_k(n) using memoization
def compute_p_k(self, n, k):
# Check for cached result
if (n, k) in self.cache:
return self.cache[(n, k)]
if n < 0:
return 0 # No partitions possible for negative n
if k == 3:
# Base case for p_3(n)
q_3 = self.q(n, 3)
s = 0
for i in range(1, q_3 + 1):
s += self.q(n - i, 2) - (i - 1)
self.cache[(n, k)] = s
return s
# Recursive computation for p_k(n)
q_k = self.q(n, k)
s = 0
for u in range(q_k):
s += self.compute_p_k(n - k * u - 1, k - 1)
self.cache[(n, k)] = s
return s
# Compute the summation of p_3(n) to p_n(n)
def compute_sum_p_k(self, n):
total = 0
for k in range(3, n + 1):
total += self.compute_p_k(n, k)
total += self.q(n, 2) + 1 # The partitions into two parts and itself.
return total
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Print instructions for the user
print("Enter the values of N:")
print("- For a single value, just enter the integer (e.g., 42)")
print("- For multiple values, enter them as a comma-separated list (e.g., 42, 53, 13423, 52)")
# Input from the user
inputs = input("Your input: ").strip()
# Determine if the input is a single number or a list
if ',' in inputs:
# Convert input string to a list of integers if comma-separated
n_values = list(map(int, inputs.split(',')))
# Convert single input to a list with one element
n_values = [int(inputs)]
# Create an instance of PartitionCalculator
calculator = PartitionCalculator()
# Compute and display the results for each input
for n in n_values:
result = calculator.compute_sum_p_k(n)
print(f"The sum of p_3({n}) to p_{n}({n}) is {result}")
Validating the results of \( p(n, k) \) against Euler’s identity for random inputs without memoization. For large numbers, it is recommended to use memoization and caching to store results.
import random
from math import sin, pi
from tabulate import tabulate
import numpy as np
q = lambda n, k: n // k if k > 0 else 0
def p_of_n_k(n, k):
if k == 3:
q_3 = q(n, 3)
s = 0
for j in range(1, q_3 + 1):
s += q(n - j, 2) - (j - 1)
return s
if k == 2:
return q(n, 2)
if k == 1:
return 1
q_k_of_n = q(n, k)
delta = int((sin(pi * (k - 1) * 0.5)) ** 2) # Compute delta
sm = 0
for u in range(q_k_of_n - delta + 1):
sm += p_of_n_k(n - k * u - 1, k - 1)
return sm
def compute_euler_identity(N, K):
p = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1), dtype=int)
for i in range(N + 1):
p[i, 1] = 1
p[i, i] = 1
for n in range(2, N + 1):
for k in range(2, n + 1):
p[n, k] = p[n - 1, k - 1] + p[n - k, k]
sum_of_row_N = np.sum(p[N, :]) # Sums over all columns of row N
p_N_K = p[N][K]
return sum_of_row_N, p_N_K
def generate_random_values(num_tests=100, max_n=100):
values = []
for _ in range(num_tests):
N = random.randint(1, max_n)
K = random.randint(1, N)
values.append((N, K))
return values
def validate(N, K):
_, euler_value = compute_euler_identity(N, K)
custom_value = p_of_n_k(N, K)
return euler_value, custom_value, euler_value == custom_value
if __name__ == "__main__":
max_n = 100
num_tests = 501 # To avoid repeatation num_tests <= max_n^2
test_values = generate_random_values(num_tests, max_n)
results = []
print(f"Running {num_tests} validations...")
for N, K in test_values:
euler_value, custom_value, is_equal = validate(N, K)
# Format values to avoid scientific notation
euler_value_fmt = f"{euler_value:.0f}" if euler_value >= 1e5 else str(euler_value)
custom_value_fmt = f"{custom_value:.0f}" if custom_value >= 1e5 else str(custom_value)
results.append([N, K, euler_value_fmt, custom_value_fmt, "Pass" if is_equal else "Fail"])
# Print results in tabular format
headers = ["N", "K", "Euler Value", "Custom Value", "Status"]
print(tabulate(results, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid"))
all_tests_passed = all(row[4] == "Pass" for row in results)
if all_tests_passed:
All tests passed! The formula matches Euler's identity.")
Some tests failed. Investigate the discrepancy.")
In this study, we established how the partition of \( N \) into two parts \( P(n, 2) \) relates to the quotient function. Subsequently, we derived \( p_3(n) \) as a series of sum of \( p_2(n) \) or \( Q_2(n) \), and extended this to \( p_4(n) \) as a series of \( p_3(n) \). This iterative approach was used to formulate a general expression for \( p_k(n) \). The results were validated against Euler's identity using Python, and the recursion was optimized through caching and memoization. All tests were passed successfully.